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Published by: Bill Darton on 27-Dec-19
What Is Your Vison For 2020

The New Year is upon us and that year is 2020.

As you surely know, 20/20 is considered to be perfect vision. Otherwise you are near-sighted, far-sighted or, most unfortunately, blind.


“The only thing worse than being blind is
having sight but no vision.” –
Helen Keller

That is a truly powerful statement, especially considering the source. Sometimes in life we have a tendency to sweat the small stuff. Whenever I am facing something that challenges me, my thoughts turn to Helen Keller and somehow my problems seem very trivial.

Helen likely would have led a dim, solitary life had it not been for the miraculous work of Ann Sullivan. Ann took on the momentous task of teaching Helen not only how to communicate but how to survive. Ann truly was starting from scratch since Helen had become blind, deaf and mute due to a disease at an early age.

In the online business world we obviously will never face the challenges of Helen Keller, nor those of Ann Sullivan. However, I would like to suggest that most people who search online for a way to build a business or just make money find themselves in a situation where they feel as if they are blind, deaf and mute when it comes to understanding this industry. Perhaps we could work together as student and teacher to help develop a better vision for both of our futures.

It starts with the understanding that others have gone before us. We do not have to reinvent the wheel. All we need to do is follow in their footsteps by learning what needs to be done and actually making the effort to follow through with action on what we learn.

So, what do you say, are you willing to work together to create a better vision for your future?

If you are, then there is no reason to delay. Let's get started.

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  • Let them know that you are serious about building a successful business in 2020.
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You know what? I am just going to come right out and say this...

The only thing standing between you and success is.... YOU!

Why can I say that so boldly? Because I Know This... All the information, training, tools and resources you need to become successful are easily accessible and readily available to you. You are simply just choosing not to participate.

No matter where you are in life right now, you can turn around and look at the path that got you there. Everyone is on a path. The question is, are you on the right path to get to your destination? You are not chained to your current path.

You do actually have the power to choose another path any time you like.

And that is exactly what I am challenging you to do today... Choose A New Path!

I am Bill Darton, your sponsor at Worldprofit. I am a Master Certified eBusiness Consultant (MCEC) at Worldprofit. As your sponsor I take your success very seriously. I look forward to helping you experience the same kind of success that I and many others are experiencing.

Make a decision today that you are no longer going to accept mediocrity or settle for low expectations.

Let's work together to develop a clear vision for 2020.



Bill Darton is a Certified eBusiness Consultant at Check out his website or blog anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.



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